Friday, February 5, 2010

Find Customers

I have searched the internet, surfed the internet, explored the internet, rummaged through everything and i have come to the following conclusions: (find customers)

1. Internet is one media that reaches everyone and with Web 2.0, everyone can contribute to this massive information storehouse.
2. Whenever there is such a lot of information, there are always a gazillion people trying to find answers.
3.When there are a gazillion people looking for things, some people's eyes instantly light up. Yes you guessed it right-its the advertisers and their ads!! (find customers)

The internet, like any other media, is run by advertisement and marketing industry. Why? Because there are so many goods, services and ideas which can be sold to these many gazillion people!(find customers)

Now why am i prattling about all this when the topic of my post is "Im what you are looking for!". Well its simple. Its because i like to beat about the bush. Heres the real deal:

Most of us, or in fact everyone of us is a potential customer. But the key word there is potential. Why potential? Because most of us , by most of us i mean the common surfers, come to our computers for fun. Be it games, chat with friends or random strangers, social networking, music or any fun thing for that matter. So most of us are targetted by ads in our unknowing state,or unconsciously and when that happens, the chances of the potential customer getting converted to an actual customer are quite low.(find customers)

I, am not a potential customer. I am your customer. Yes you read that correctly. I am your customer and i will buy stuff from you because i have to buy those things anyway. So heres what i like to buy:(find customers)

1.] Books, mostly philosophical, poems, classic literature, psychology related. But i will never put down a good read.
2.] Music. Anything and everything related to music be it ipods, ipod accessories, headphones, CDs, DVDs, CD DVD cases anything and i mean anything!
3.] Clothes, and other apparel. From Caps, Eye Glasses, T-Shirts, Shirts, Jeans, Trousers,Shoes and everything one could possibly wear.
4.] Yes i am willing to buy anything and everything you want to sell to me!!

But now you would ask how will i be able to buy all that? Am i very rich? Do i have that sort of financial freedom and ancestral wealth? The answer is No. I am not rich. In fact, i don't have any money to buy all that stuff from you. Where will the money come from? Who is going to give me the money?(find customers)

The answer to that question is: You! Yes you are going to give me the money to buy all that. But don't get me wrong, i am not begging you for money and neither is that money going to come out of your pocket. Well then how are you going to give me money?(find customers)

You are going to help me help you by simply clicking on the advertisements on my blog. The more ads you click, the more money i earn and the more products i buy from you. Yes, its that simple!!(find customers)

All you have to do is visit my blog everyday, click on the advertisements and buy all that stuff if you like, and when your done clicking the few ads on my blog, just leave your email address( because i would need to contact you) and name on the comments section everyday. Yes everyday, don't forget to click and leave the comment and get as many as your friends to click on these ads so that i can buy your product at the end of the month and you earn whatever commission from your company!(find customers)

To our success...Click Click Click...Cheers!

Your Customer